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Saturday, 29 March 2014

Make Money with Google images


Make $1000 Every Month Using Google Images
couple of times to see if I could add some extra stuff that will help you with the process. But, I didn’t find any more stuff to add since the process is so darn easy.
carefully and proceed one step at a time. I’m quite sure that you’ll make money

A Brief Word

This must be one of the shortest reports I’ve ever written. I went through it a
Seriously, this may be the easiest method to make money online. Read it
with this method in very little time.
The advantage of this method over other methods is that it’s not boring. You don’t need to do any serious writing, backlinking or stuff like that to cash in.

It’s very, very easy to get traffic from google images.
Not every website has images, so the competition in google images is going to be way less than the competition for the main search.
Apart from that, several webmasters don’t even try to get traffic from the image search. This may be because they think that it’s not effective, or because they
Google image traffic can be a bit useless for websites in some niches though.
Websites in the internet marketing niche are not fit for google image traffic.
First of all, an internet marketing website will not get a whole lot of traffic from google image search. People use google images mostly to search for funny
There’s also another thing. For google image traffic to be effective, your images will need to be in the same niche as your website.
Let’s say that you have an internet marketing blog. You publish a post and include a picture of a “sexy girl”. Now if your picture’s name is “sexy girl”, you might get some google image traffic for the search term “sexy girl”.
is internet marketing.

An Introduction To Google Images
don’t know how to get traffic from it.
pictures, celebrity pictures, etc.
Not a whole lot of people will search for internet marketing images.
The traffic will be useless though since your niche isn’t “sexy girls” -- your niche
See what I mean?
1) There are a lot of people that search for celebrities on google images.
2) When people find your image on google images, most of them will see the other celebrity images on your site, and they will start browsing it.

Now, I used the “celebrity niche” for this. And I chose that niche for 3 simple
3) It’s pretty easy to make money in this niche.
How Can I Get Traffic From Google Images?
Let me start this part by saying that I do NOT know the exact formula that google uses to give rankings to the pictures. Nobody knows that except for the “google

exactly how I do it.
These are the main things that will help you to get good rankings on google images (IMO):
• Keyword in the picture’s name
• Keyword in the image’s alt tag
• Keyword in the image’s title and description
• Keyword in the post
• Keyword in the title, description and tags of the page
Do I get traffic from all of the images that I post on the site?
No, I don’t.
Currently I have a little over 100 images and I get traffic from about 20.
Look, this is not the google main search. There are research tools that will give you an estimate of how much traffic you will get when you land on the first page of google.
But, to my knowledge, there isn’t any research tool that will show you how much traffic you can potentially get for a keyword from the image search.

But, I do manage to get traffic from google images, and I’m going to show you
You can never know for sure if you’re going to get traffic from an image or not,
The more famous a celebrity name is, the more searches it’s going to get.
Choose pictures of the most famous celebrities.

Paris Hilton is.

So obviously, terms related to Paris Hilton will get much more traffic than terms related to Jennifer Tilly.
• Paris Hilton • Pamela Anderson • Britney Spears • Lindsey Lohan • Angelina Jolie • Carmen Elektra

but when you have plenty of images, you’ll get traffic for sure.
“Since there’s no research tool, we MUST use our common sense.”
Not a whole lot of people know who Jennifer Tilly is, but everyone knows who
Ideal celebrities to target (these names are in no particular order):
Setting It Up
First thing you need to do is buy a domain. The name won’t really play a part in all of this. Choose a domain name that you like and host it.
problems with them.
Download wp from here >>> http://wordpress.org/download
And follow the tutorial here to install it: http://codex.wordpress.org/Installing_WordPress
NOTE: Wordpress plays a very important role in this method. Wordpress blogs rank well in google, so obviously their images rank well on google images as well.
You’ll find a plenty of free ones on the internet.
Here are some free themes: http://www.smashingmagazine.com/2009/05/18/100- amazing-free-wordpress-themes-for-2009

Personally I host my sites at GoDaddy and HostGator and I’ve never had any serious
Anyway, after you host it, you’ll need to set up Wordpress.
After you install it, search for a good looking theme.
I used 2 plug-ins for this:
All-in-one SEO Pack - http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/all-in-one-seo-pack  Sitemap Generator - http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/google-sitemap-generator
can go here:

If you don’t know how to install a plug-in and want to learn more about them, you
The Simple Process
Now what you’ll need to do is publish a bunch of posts with celebrity pictures.
Let’s say that you’re going to publish a post about Pamela Anderson.
Step 1
pictures on the net. Here’s something for starters:
http://www.google.com  /search?  hl=mt&source=hp&q=celebrity+pics&meta=&rlz=1R2GGLL_enMT346
Step 2
Publish a simple post like this:
Title Of The Post (Include Keyword, Example: Pamela Anderson Posing On Stage…)
Some Text (make sure that you include the keyword that you’re targeting a couple of times in the text, example: Pamela Anderson Posing. You don’t have to write a lot of text. A small paragraph with 20-100 words will do just fine)
* Now this is the most important part of the process for google image traffic. You MUST name the pictures with your keyword.
If you do that, you can only get traffic for the search term Pamela Anderson.

Find about 10 pictures of Pamela Anderson. You can find plenty of celebrity
But, do NOT name the pictures Pamela Anderson 1, Pamela Anderson 2, etc.
Give them all a different name …
Pamela Anderson underwear, Pamela Anderson bikini, Pamela Anderson catwalk,
With the keyword Pamela Anderson bikini, you could possibly get traffic from the search terms:
1) Pamela Anderson 2) Pamela Anderson bikini 3) Bikini
Picture this:
You upload 10 pictures in a post that have the keyword Pamela Anderson in them
Just think about how many search terms you’ll be targeting just with 1 post with 10 pictures… ;)
When you find a picture, make sure that you rename the picture to your desired keyword when you save it on your PC, example: Pamela Anderson bikini.jpg
Upload it to the post and throw in your keyword in the title and description down below.

Pamela Anderson posing, etc.
plus another one (example, underwear, bikini, etc.)
IMP: Make sure that you paste the pic as a thumbnail (150x150) Do the same thing for all the pictures that you upload, and remember, always use different keywords after the name of the celebrity.
After the post is ready, scroll down to the bottom to find the “all-in-one SEO pack” window.
Just write down some info. And don’t forget to include your keyword!
Then go to categories and select “Add New Category”.
category “Pamela Anderson”.
Select the newly created category “Pamela Anderson” and hit publish.
That’s pretty much it folks. ;)

IMP: Give the categories celebrity names. In this case, we need to name our
I used:
>>> http://adbrite.com
I’m not sure if adsense supports celebrity sites or not. I’m sure that they don’t allow adult sites, and seeing that my site has some adult images which contain nudity, I decided not to use adsense.
As I said, I’m not sure whether they would allow a celebrity site to show their ads
clicks by putting their ads in between the post title and the post body. Use the 300x250 banner.
To put the ad in between the title and the post, all you have to do is go to appearance and click on editor. Search for “single post” template. It’s the template that contains the coding for your posts.
Paste your banner code before the “post content” code.

or not, but I did not want to risk getting my account banned, so I left adsense out on this one.
Anyway, adbrite doesn’t pay a whole lot I know, but you’ll definitely get some
I also used:
>>> elitedollars.com
At first I was thinking about putting their ads on my site, but then I came up with a better idea.
The people that come to my blog basically had 3 choices, which were:
1) Click on the images and view them 2) Click on the close button and leave 3) Click on the ads
the only way.
I realized that I wasn’t going to make a whole lot of money this way, especially when considering that adbrite pays less than adsense, so I came up with a better plan.
When you upload an image, you’ll get this menu:
See the link url?

recommend them. This is an adult affiliate program and their celebrity program is pretty good. I highly
That means for me to earn money, the person had to click on the ads. That was
If you enter let’s say www.google.com in there, the image becomes clickable, and it will go to google.
So what I did was type in my elitedollars affiliate link in there…
Better yet, elite dollars has celebrity galleries. So instead of pasting the same affiliate link in all of the pictures, I decided to search for galleries of the same celebrity.

Let me show you something.
Here are some of the celebrity galleries from elitedollars. Now let’s say that I have some pictures of Cameron Diaz.
I copy my gallery affiliate link…

And I paste it here:
I do that for every “Cameron Diaz” picture that I upload on my blog.
That way, whenever a person clicks on her pictures, the gallery affiliate page with videos and/or pictures of Cameron Diaz will open up:

Whenever a user purchases a membership, I get paid, $40 in this case.
According to their statistics their celebrity affiliate program is currently converting @ 1:269.
And yes, it’s pretty accurate. I make a sale for every 250-350 visitors that I sent their way.
You should know that the ratio 1:269 is very good in the adult industry. Most

other affiliate programs have ratios at 1:500, 1:1000, or even more.
Basic Backlinking To Get Your Site Noticed
After you publish a good amount of posts (I recommend 10), you must do a little backlinking to get your site indexed by search engines.
I recommend that you submit your site to:
Just by submitting your site to those websites, your site should be on google in 24- 48 hours.
But, to ensure quick detection, I do another thing. And I didn’t do this just for this website. I do it with every single website that I create.

Do you know what a website valuation site is?
It’s a site like www.cubestat.com
Basically these sites will give you an “estimate” of how much money your site is worth.
But, when you submit your site on these valuation type websites, you will get a backlink!
All you have to do is submit your website
Type in the url and hit check in this case, then you will get a page like this:

The estimates are bogus of course. Pay no attention to them.
That’s the page for google.
the valuated site. 
Here’s some more of these valuation sites:
always try later though.
Anyway, submit your site to the ones that you can, and you should get your site indexed in google in no time.

The thing is valuation sites will save those pages, and they’ll give a backlink to
NOTE: Some of them will not create a page for a site that’s brand new, but you can
The amount of money that you make totally depends on the amount of traffic that you get.
About 50% or more of your visitors will click on an image on your blog, which will lead to the affiliate’s gallery.
Plus, you’ll make a little from adbrite. Not much, but you’ll probably make about
Now that may not sound like much, but remember, what was the work involved here?
The work involved is slim to none. I mean all you have to do is search for a bunch of celebrity pics and copy and paste them on your blog.
Heck if you get bored, search for pictures of your favorite celebrity to keep yourself entertained.
possible to reach with google images.

If you get 600 uniques daily (very doable), approx 300 people will click on an image, and you will probably make a sale every day (2 days at the most) which will get you around $900.
$100 with that traffic.
Not to mention, that’s the calculation for just 600 uniques daily, which is very, very
If you follow the instructions that I gave you here, then you should be able to
The money will keep rolling in on its own, since it’s difficult for your images to lose their rankings. If they stay there, you’ll have a steady automated traffic flow, which will result in a steady automated income


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